Practical Ways to Evaluate Blog Performance to Increase Traffic and Income

Maybe there are among us who have long blogging but when viewed from the number of visitors and traffic there is still less encouraging. In case you may have done some posting articles created without copy paste original alias from your own writing. Well if that happens. do the following things :

Check Old Post

Check back each of your posts and compare them with the other posts in the number of impressions. Find posts of your articles whose impressions / visits are less or below the average of other article visits and check the cause.

Complete each post of your article with Search Description. It is important to add keywords in the eyes of the tracking machine. Try a test on google your post title is less. Grab the post title that appears on google and input in the Search Description.

Check Alexa

The data shown in Alexa can be used as a first step to start an evaluation of blog performance. From alexa we can know the position of ranking web / blog us globally and according to local. Data on Global Rank shows the popularity of our web / blog position around the world, while Ranking Indonesia is the popularity of web / blog positions in Indonesia but also web / blog outside which is accessed at local.
In addition to the popularity data ranking web / blog bounce rate data need medapat our attention. This data shows about the behavior of visitors to the web / blog us when they visit / visit our web / blog. The bigger / higher bounce rate indicates that the web / blog is only a few people who visit other articles or in other words the greater the value bounce rate blog traffic is smaller and vice versa. So by looking at the data on the bounce rate we can anticipate the action to be taken. For example, if the related article links also play a role in providing information to visitors, then we can add a "Read Also" link in each article post. So hopefully the link can provide information to visitors to click on the link as an article related to articles that have been read before. When that happens, it can be ensured your traffic will increase and the value of the bouce rate must decrease.

In daily data pageviews per visitor shows the number of visitors who see the article on your web / blog on each visit. The greater the value the better. And it shows that your visitors are interested in reading the article you write / post it. If the value is small. Then do something like the above bounce rate earlier.

Existing data on daily time on site shows that how long visitors feel comfortable reading or accessing your web / blog. The larger / higher the number shown the longer the visitor dropped in your web / blog.

Check and Fix Permalink
It's good to check the permalink in every view of your article posting. If it is not good, then do the repair of permalink or permanent link. Because this is related to SEO web / your blog.

Evaluate Your Blog Templte

For bloggers who just make a blog this is not necessary when using the default template blogspot latest. But if you are still using the old version of the template then need to check again about the title meta tag whether it has been installed. Then, if the template is responsive. Because the visitor now uses a lot of HP or smart phone and some just use notebooks, laptops and computers.

may be useful

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